A development environment is composed of several services, at least we have a web server and a database, with the emergence of Docker and the wonderful docker-compose.yml made our life a lot easier, but calm down, you can stay still best.

What is Lando?

A superset for Docker, Lando provides ways for developers to run complex commands, build steps and automation in their services without using Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml or lengthy docker exec commands.

But can’t I just use Docker?

Yes, but you see, it is made to simplify and speed up the creation of development environment, so yes, you can use Docker but Lando will do the same thing with just a single command.

Here’s an example of the same application:

With lando.yml

name: myapp
recipe: drupal9

With docker-compose.yml

version: "3"

    image: mysql:8.0
    container_name: mysql
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
    restart: unless-stopped
    env_file: .env
      - db-data:/var/lib/mysql
      - internal

    image: drupal:8.7.8-fpm-alpine
    container_name: drupal
      - mysql
    restart: unless-stopped
      - internal
      - external
      - drupal-data:/var/www/html

    image: nginx:1.17.4-alpine
    container_name: webserver
      - drupal
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 80:80
      - drupal-data:/var/www/html
      - ./nginx-conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d
      - external

    driver: bridge
    driver: bridge


So if that didn’t convince you to use Lando I don’t know what else to say.


To make it easier to understand, let’s upload a PHP and Mysql server, the famous LAMP, but don’t worry about that, Lando has several recipes making it possible to run multiple services in a simple way.

Installing Lando

Lando has a very complete documentation, first don’t forget to install Docker so to install it Here we will follow the official documentation.

Running a LAMP application

Lamp (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python) is an acronym for the most used web applications together and, for this reason, there are several tools for this, Lando is one more way.

First let’s create a project directory:

mkdir lamp_lando

Open the folder:

cd lamp_lando

Inside the directory, just initialize Lando with:

lando init

Here some questions about the project will be asked, which will be according to the desired stack, for our project we will answer as follows:

From where should we get your apps's codebase? : [current working directory]
What recipe do you want to use?: [lamp]
Where is your webroot relative to the init destination?: [.]
What do you want to call this app? [LAMP Project]

And we start our application:

lando start

Wait a while, the docker containers will be downloaded, this may take a while depending on your computer and your internet, and once it is finished you will have a screen similar to the one below:

   ___                      __        __        __     __        ______
  / _ )___  ___  __ _  ___ / /  ___ _/ /_____ _/ /__ _/ /_____ _/ / / /
 / _  / _ \/ _ \/  ' \(_-</ _ \/ _ `/  '_/ _ `/ / _ `/  '_/ _ `/_/_/_/

Your app has started up correctly.
Here are some vitals:

 NAME            my-lando-app
 LOCATION        /home/diego/Projects/lamp_lando
 SERVICES        appserver, database
 APPSERVER URLS  https://localhost:49185

With everything configured for this, let’s create an info.php file with the following content:



And by accessing the /info.php we can see our server running.

Listing Lando data

Another very useful command is lando info it lists all server settings, such as web server address, database and even database passwords, here is an example of the command output:

[ { service: 'appserver',
     [ 'https://localhost:49185',
       'https://my-lando-app.lndo.site/' ],
    type: 'php',
    healthy: true,
    via: 'apache',
    webroot: '.',
    config: {},
    version: '7.4',
    meUser: 'www-data',
    hasCerts: true,
    hostnames: [ 'appserver.mylandoapp.internal' ] },
  { service: 'database',
    urls: [],
    type: 'mysql',
    healthy: true,
    internal_connection: { host: 'database', port: '3306' },
    external_connection: { host: '', port: '49182' },
    healthcheck: 'bash -c "[ -f /bitnami/mysql/.mysql_initialized ]"',
    creds: { database: 'lamp', password: 'lamp', user: 'lamp' },
    config: {},
    version: '5.7',
    meUser: 'www-data',
    hasCerts: false,
    hostnames: [ 'database.mylandoapp.internal' ] } ]

And like magic we have a development environment set up.

Development environment, don’t forget

In the official documentation it is clearly stated that Lando is a tool to create and facilitate development environments, so under no circumstances use it in a production environment.

Some commands

First of all I will leave here a list of essential commands, some used above and others not, but that can help a lot.

lando config

Displays Lando’s configuration.

lando destroy

Destroys the application, completely erasing the created Docker containers and volumes.

lando info

Displays application configuration, such as web server and database addresses, as well as database passwords.

lando init

Initializes a project with Lando.

lando list

Lists all services running with Lando.

lando poweroff

Shut down all application containers.

lando rebuild

Re-creates the application from scratch but retains the data.

lando restart

restart the application.

lando start

Start the application.

lando stop

Stop the application.

lando ssh

Access the application shell.