Why did I create this blog?

I have always been passionate about technology, creating websites and blogs since I was 13 years old, I’m very curious and I’m always studying, this blog is basically a history of what I’m learning, a way I found to share knowledge or simply something that excites me, the subjects will be programming, information security, operating systems(Linux ❤️) and technology in general (But nothing prevents me from talking about a random subject, ok?).

Creating a Simple HTTP Server with Rust

HTTP servers play a fundamental role in distributing content and services on the internet. Implementing a simple HTTP server can be an excellent opportunity to understand the basic principles of web communication and explore a modern language like Rust. In this post, we’ll walk through creating a simple server that serves static files using TCP. Of course, a real HTTP server is much more complex than this. How does HTTP work?...

February 4, 2024 · 7 min · Diego Rodrigo

Make your life in Linux easier with aliases

If you’ve never heard of aliases in linux, the simplest way to explain it is that they are shortcuts to the command line, instead of typing a huge command, or not so big, you type a simple command. An example, instead of: git add . && git commit -m "initial commit" You can use: git add . && git commit -m "initial commit" Which makes it even easier for very used commands, right?...

December 4, 2022 · 3 min · Diego Rodrigo

Make your Linux terminal much more beautiful and productive

The linux terminal is very useful but for me it is sometimes very annoying in some aspects, so for years I have been using ZSH with some plugins and a theme that I think is much more productive, I decided to create this post for those who want to use this same configuration or If you are inspired by her to create your own feel free, the final result will be this:...

November 20, 2022 · 3 min · Diego Rodrigo

Understanding the Big O Notation

What is Big O Notation? If you’ve taken courses related to algorithms, you’ve heard of the term Big O notation, in a nutshell, Big O is a way of classifying how scalable your function or algorithm is, how your code will perform if the number of values input increase? Constant? Linear? Exponential? Big O notation is an important topic and its universal importance stems from the fact that it describes the efficiency of code written in any programming language....

August 28, 2022 · 3 min · Diego Rodrigo

How HTTP works

Every developer must understand the HTTP protocol, if you are just starting, don’t despair, you will get all the details, to help I’ll bring you a little bit about the base that I think is important to understand. What is HTTP? HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) are rules for transferring files (text, images, audio, video) over the internet. As soon as a user opens their web browser, they are using HTTP, an application protocol that runs on top of the TCP/IP protocol suite that forms the basis of the Internet....

August 27, 2022 · 7 min · Diego Rodrigo